Anyone who does not have their own old guitar to convert to one Gammel Gura can search among my items. They are purchased on eBay, Tradera, auctions, advertisements or by individuals. These guitars are only sold as items to one Gammel Gura. Click on the pictures for larger pictures.
Remember that the items are completely disassembled, repaired and improved in one Gammel Gura conversion. Even items in poor condition become nice and stable instruments when they are ready. Guitars with string holder / tailpiece can always be converted to fixed stall. Contact me and enter the item number for more information. When an item is booked for one Gammel Gura conversion, it is removed from the list and replaced with another.
Each item is presented with pictures and a list of data that follows:
Price: Price for the guitar that is added to the sum for the GammelGura conversion. Standard prices are SEK 300, 500, 800 and 1000. The difference in price depends on condition, age, collector value, purchase price and general coolness. You only know how good it will be when it is finished, but either good or great!
Total length: Total length from the top of the head to the rim at the end pin.
Lids: Maximum width above the sound hole, minimum width at the sound hole, maximum width at the stable.
Side: Side height at the base of the neck, at the sound hole and at the end pin.
Neck: C, V or U shape. C is softly rounded, V is triangular and U is flat in the middle.
Fingerboard: Width of the fingerboard at the upper saddle, 12th band and between the outermost strings of the stable.
measure: Open string length between upper saddle and stable leg for the thinnest e-string. With a new fretboard, the menstrual cycle can be changed for better intonation, but not much.
Paint: Original varnish type, cellulose varnish, spirit varnish / shellac varnish or unknown on newer objects.
Weight: The weight of the guitar without tuning screws.
Not: Special note