Small & good

Made a deal where 4 "wrecks" had to be a partial payment to an GammelGura. A Söderman tilt, two old Germans and a fun harp guitar that is a little boy compared to how big they usually are. Available soon in the "Waiting Room".

According to my new method, the first team lists were glued with zig-zagged smaller pieces instead of an entire list. A newly assembled K&K mic came in the picture too!

Did some updates in the room, now it is starting to get a little style of things!

1 A leather apron that was converted to padded shoulder strap. The image on the site does not match, it came with a leather string around the neck. Picked up the unnecessary pocket and got a nice polished piece of leather for knives and planer steel.

2 A clamp that is perfect for forcing the end of the grip board or something else near the sound hole. U curvature means that you do not have to mess with a counter on the inside. Great!

3 A grinding stone and a holder for grinding steel. Could shave my arm after the first grinding 🙂……

4 A smart device for punching out boxes of gladpack. Stands in front of the table and is used every time I need to glue & force. The best release agent is gladpack.

GammelGuran “The Edwin” at CJ Acoustics in Östervåla was recently sold 🙂

This one was good too!

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