New "On GG"

Have made the same mistake as so many craftsmen before me, thanked yes to all the jobs that came in without having a proper check and been a time optimist and promised more than I can keep. Now I know exactly how people do when they enter the wall! Realized this last week and invented all the jobs I have in line. They were more than I thought. In addition to emergency repairs that always appear, I will not start with new items until all the jobs I have already taken up are done. There will be an extra hour per day in the workshop as well. Most likely, I have what I do until the fall. It is possible to place new orders in the meantime, but they will not be relevant for work before the autumn.

Have put up a few leaflets on my computer where I note the date of order and take a picture of the items as they come in. Also have a text file in the same folder where I post email conversation and oral requests.

Under "On GG" is a list of jobs that have been ordered and which ones are being worked on at the moment. The diary became too difficult to keep up to date! Last week I worked on the really bad consciences and three repairs have now left the premises. Some GammelGura have also had some parts done. Should have one or two repairs running in parallel with ongoing GammelGura batch.

Feels very good to control it all, had a little trouble sleeping there for a while 🙁 Also want to apologize to everyone who is waiting and whom I promised far too much. Will be more professional in the future!


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