Herwiga for sale at CJ Acoustic Music in Östervåla

Visit the shop and try out a game Herwiga'n by CJ Acoustic Music in Östervåla : )

Can share with me the dimensions and facts of Herwigan which is a little larger than a regular parlor, fits well in a case for a classic guitar.

Upper saddle: 45 mm

Mens watch: 63 cm
Neck: U-shaped
Grip board: Flat
Total length: 97 cm
Lid: 28 - 21,5 - 36 cm (above sound hole, waist, at stall)
Side: 7,2 - 8 - 7,5 cm (neck foot, waist, end plug)

The bottom has a nice curve in both joints, the lid a weak curve to cope with drying out better. Rosewood in fingerboard, ebony in saddle. Oversaddle and stirrup legs in bone. Solid walnut in the bottom and sides, European spruce in the top and mahogany in the neck. Carbon fiber bar in the neck, new "vintage" tuning screws, a mounted K&K pure mini and oversaddle tuning. Brass strap, guitar strap knob at the base of the neck and mother of pearl side markers. Ladder braced with an A-frame around the sound hole and a spruce stand plate with bubinga reinforcements around the string peg holes (for best sound!). New ebony strings with 4mm pearl mordots. All ribs replaced with fine spruce, skin glue and spirit varnish. Stringed with Newtone Heritage 0.12.

The larger volume in the box and the walnut in the side and bottom gives it a bit more shade of bass and dark tone than normal in smaller parlor guitars with maple in the bottom and side. Am very happy with it!


The "Old Bettan" or Herwigan with walnut bottom and sides that was recently delivered to CJ Acoustic Music in Östervåla has been sold. The customer writes:

“The guitar is fantastic! So easy to play and such a dynamic sound. A real beauty too. Very funny. In addition, perfect intonation and lovely mic sound"

It seems that the guitar has found home


  1. Roger: I just read on your website a little different interesting and especially about Herwigan that I bought from Acoustic Music in Östervåla this summer. I want to say that it's an absolutely fantastic guitar that has been my favorite since I got it. Both at home and at gigs. My 20-year-old son who is also a guitarist is also fascinated by him and is very much in need of an Old Gura that you have refined. Best regards! Erik Paulsson

    • That guitar was very good, glad it ended up in the right place! Right now there are many orders. Only in the fall can I take on the new Old Gura, have to work my way through the orders I already have. But it is possible to book already, I take them in the order they are ordered.

  2. hello from Germany. Is that Herwiga guitar for sale? I like those old Herwiga guitars and mandolins also…. do you like to sell it or give it in exchange? I have a collection of interesting antique parlor guitars, early romantic guitars etc… thanks in advance. regards, Frank

  3. You are too late I'm afraid. The buyer is Erik Paulsson in the first comment to this thread. He was very happy with it, at least a couple of years ago 🙂 If you are interested in having one of your old guitars converted and rejuvenated as a complete "Old Gura" feel free to contact me!

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