Old Gura 61

A very special GammelGura is ready. Usually it is solid maple at the bottom and side of early European parlor guitars, this one has solid rosewood (jacaranda). The wood is expensive and was so even in the early 1900s. It was bought by a German collector as a half-finished project, the fretboard was missing and the sides had been trimmed. In good condition even if the bottom had some cracks (very common that rosewood has cracks). The model is very Martin inspired with, among other things, a pyramid stable in ebony.

A new ebony fingerboard was manufactured. The trees were also sanded at the bottom before the side and the bottom was spray-painted. It turned out later that the lid also had to be cleaned of varnish as the old varnish (which was varnished later) was dried out and floury and the smallest thing gave a white mark.

The intonation of the upper saddle was a little different as I had shortened the grip board at the top a bit too much. During the intonation I had to file a bit in the upper saddle, usually it is the other way around. Also this the third tone of the upper saddle gave the same compensation angle, one for the spun and one for the unspun strings.

There is something certain about rosewood. The sound was clean and the volume high on this one. In addition, a very beautiful guitar, I tried to persuade the customer to return the down payment when I wanted it myself - but hey I got it!

Some pictures of the finished guitar.


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