Batch: Shape ribs and glue the bottom ribs

With all bodies repaired and cracks glued, it's time to make the ribs for the bottom and lid. The ribs at the bottom are made of quartz-sawn alpine spruce bought in Germany, while the lid's ribs are made of Swedish densely grown spruce. Both varieties are very good timber, but the Swedish spruce is a bit sharper, I think. Has a limited stock,…

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Batch: Clean ribs, fix cracks, thin lids and install carbon fiber rod

With the objects disassembled into parts, it remains to loosen the lid ribs. The ribs are mostly oversized, have horizontal grain, are bent in the wrong direction and sit in the wrong place. Old wood also becomes brittle and biscuit over the years, new wood is tougher and more durable. They are almost always picked loose and replaced with new ones. Thin spatula and…

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