A little guitar philosophy

There are guitars and there are guitars. We have nylon string acoustic guitars, steel string acoustic guitars, acoustic jazz guitars, acoustic resonator guitars and electric guitars. I have arranged them according to what volume the strings can give the instrument. The physical laws are of course the same for all guitars, but I have noticed that the more volume there is available, the harder…

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Received a gift from Per Marklund

Per Marklund, eminent builder of fantastic 1930s Martin copies, has acquired a new professional CNC machine. He helped me program and manufacture a number of counter bars for the covers and the bottom ribs, three different radii. Have tested them and they work very well. Thanks Per!

Old Gura 69

Very happy with the latest GammelGura. Unlike some other objects, this one went like a train, no big problems along the way. I also think that the oversaddle intonation and the composite stable have "landed", have found good ways to work and have acquired some new and better tools to make the work easier. The jigs for banding and neck gluing...

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